This could've, nay, -should've- been really good.
I think you absolutely nailed it on the art and animation. Nailed it. But when you make a flash adaptation of a comic, something that relies -fully- upon its dialogue, then its an absolute must that the vocal delivery of said dialogue be very solid.
Sadly, the vocal performances here just weren't up to par, and that's the reason why this flash's score is currently hovering around 3.50, and not a 4.00
First squirrel's recording quality was noticably below the others, and sounded much more southerner than african-american. Huge shame, because he spoke the most. Other voices were just somewhat decent from my point of view.
Sorry if I come off as harsh, but it's all too often and disappointing when well-animated flashes like this don't get high scores due to this reason.
For your next voiced release, I highly recommend looking up the "Voice Acting Alliance Forums" on Google. They're a very talented bunch who'll help you out for free. Or, uh, ask me. I'm good too. o_o
Better luck next time, and I look forward to your next animation.